Submarine Projects Services

Environmental Management








Environmental Management

SPS Environmental Management refers to the management of an organization’s environmental programs in a comprehensive, systematic, planned and documented manner. It includes the organizational structure, planning and resources for developing, implementing and maintaining policy for environmental protection.

Any submarine asset or new submarine cable installation project produce an environmental impact in the marine and subsea ecosystem. SPS provides the expert marine biologist and skilled scientific divers and ensure that the environmental impact in the construction area will be minimized as much as possible.

— SPS biologist divers tagging relocated coral colonies.
— Selected corals colonies before relocation.
— Deck pools on board for Coral Transportation.
— Relocated and tagged Coral colony.


environmental management

Potential ecological marine impacts associated with submarine installations and construction technology may ultimately depend on devices design, array size and deployment location. SPS Scientific/Biologist Dive Team develop an strategic priorities for assessing ecological impacts. Those Baseline Ecological Studies (BES) on specific marine species prior any human construction provides the best alternatives to minimize environmental impact and the best way to conserve the underwater species.
Deck pools on board for Coral Transportation.

Environmental Management